Home Supports
KFI provides flexible supports to individuals to meet their unique needs while living in their own homes and apartments. KFI’s supported living services are designed for people who require minimal assistance or those who require up to 24 hours of support each day. Areas of support provided may include shopping and cooking, personal care supports, home maintenance, budgeting and bill paying, leisure activities and hobbies, relationship and friendship development, volunteerism, and community participation, etc.
Service Location
People receiving supported living services can live anywhere within KFI’s service area (Penobscot County, Cumberland County, parts of York County)
Who Qualifies
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities who wish to live in a home of their own (with or without a roommate); people whose parents/guardians wish them to move from the family home; people who want more stability and permanence for themselves than a foster, group, or boarding home can offer.
Who Refers
Community Case Managers through a vendor call system.
How Services are Funded
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are funded through the Medicaid Waiver Program.
Service Outcome
People with disabilities live in their own homes and take control of their own lives with supports from the paid staff at KFI, their friends and families, neighbors, and a network of others in the community.