Customized Employment for Individuals
Preparation For Employment, Job Development and Placement
Contact UsEmployment Services
How We Can Help
KFI provides assistance to individuals to identify, obtain, and maintain individualized competitive and customized employment. Services may include “discovery” or “pathway to employment” activities, preparation of the person for employment, job development and placement, short-term or long-term job coaching, consultation to employers, and follow-up.
The Process
People meet with KFI staff by appointment usually in their homes or at KFI office locations in Bangor, Lincoln, or Millinocket. They also may go to various businesses to job-shadow, inquire about jobs, fill out applications, interview, or participate in a trial work experience with KFI’s assistance. Once employed, staff provides on-the-job coaching at the workplace itself, if necessary.
Adults with physical, learning, psychiatric, emotional, or intellectual disabilities, who want to work and require assistance finding or keeping a job. For job development services an individual must be a client of the Bureau of Rehabilitation
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services Counselors (competitive employment), and KFI Support Coordinators (customized employment).
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services funds job development and time-limited job coaching support. DHHS Developmental Services funds “pathway to employment” and/or “discovery” activities and long-term Work Supports through MaineCare section 21 and section 29.
Economic empowerment is the obvious outcome. But for many individuals, employment enhances other areas of their lives – improving their standard of living, connecting them to new friends and coworkers, increasing their self-esteem and feelings of self-worth.